Back in February,
Giveaway of the Day offered
Post2Blog as a download. It was free if installed and activated within a 24 hour giveaway period. Post2Blog is a handy WYSIWYG blog editor which is compatible with Blogger, WordPress, Movable Type, Typepad, and other blog platforms. It has lots of great
features. Now, you can download the newest version, Post2Blog 3, for
free. It is being offered as freeware by
ByteScout. Instructions for using Post2Blog can be found

Another blog editor that I like is
Blog Desk. "BlogDesk is totally
free of charge and optimized for the blog systems WordPress, MovableType, Drupal, Serendipity, and ExpressionEngine as well as the blog hosters Blogg.de and Twoday.net." It has an image wizard which lets you edit your images and easily insert them in your posts. You can use its notebook feature to work with and save text, before you use it in a weblog entry. Other features of the program are listed
I wondered why you hadn't added to your blog for some time - and then noticed that no-one has commented on any of your posts. It's a shame because you have found and shared a lot of interesting websites.
I too have become discouraged and stopped posting to my blog. It's all about feeling that you may be making a difference and if no-one says "thank you" you wonder if it's worth while.
For what it's worth, I have enjoyed your posts and look forward to the next edition.
Thank you for your very encouraging comment. I will try to keep on posting. It's good to know you enjoy my writing: )
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